The Day I Learned the Hard Way About Hidden Deductions - And How You Can Avoid Them

Let me take you back to a day that really shook me. I was doing a routine check on my bank account, you know, just to make sure everything was on track, and that’s when I saw it—a small debit that I couldn’t recall authorizing.
At first glance, I thought, “Oh, it’s probably one of those random expenses I must’ve forgotten.” But the more I looked at it, the more I realized I had no idea where it came from.
So, I decided to dig deeper. And that’s when I realized it wasn’t just a one-off thing—it was a subscription service I hadn’t used in months. The worst part? It had been quietly sneaking money out of my account every single month without me noticing. I couldn’t believe it! This tiny, almost unnoticeable charge had added up to a significant sum over time.
You know that feeling when you realize you’ve been losing money for months without even realizing it? Yeah, that was me. It was like a slap in the face.
The Wake-Up Call
That experience was a huge wake-up call for me. I used to think I was pretty good with my finances—I kept track of my spending, budgeted for big expenses, and generally felt in control. But this? This showed me how easy it is for our money to quietly slip away when we’re not paying close attention.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably signed up for free trials or quick subscription services without thinking too much about it. Maybe you even told yourself, “I’ll cancel it before they start charging me,” but then life gets in the way, and you forget. Next thing you know, you’re paying for something you’re not even using. And worse, it’s just a tiny enough amount that it doesn’t raise any red flags immediately.
I had been paying for a service I hadn’t used in ages simply because I wasn’t keeping a close enough eye on things.
Taking Back Control
So, what did I do about it? The first thing I did was cancel that subscription—immediately. But that wasn’t enough. I knew I had to take stronger control of my finances moving forward. That’s when I set up real-time transaction alerts on my Myaza account.
Now, anytime a naira or dollar moves out of my account, I get an instant notification on my phone. Whether it’s a big transaction or a tiny one, I’m in the loop every step of the way. No more hidden charges, no more unnoticed subscriptions, no more unwanted surprises. It’s like having an extra layer of protection that makes me feel more in control of my money than ever before.
What I’ve Learned
Looking back, I’m grateful for that wake-up call. It made me realize how important it is to be proactive when it comes to managing your money. Here are some key takeaways from my experience that can help you avoid the same mistakes:
1. Stay Vigilant: Don’t assume that every transaction in your account is right. Mistakes happen, and unauthorized charges can sneak in. Regularly reviewing your account statements—and not just skimming them—can save you from losing money unnecessarily.
2. Use Real-Time Alerts: One of the best decisions I made was enabling real-time alerts on my account. Now, every transaction is sent straight to my phone the moment it happens. No more waiting for the end-of-month statement or, worse, realizing too late that something’s off.
3. Secure Your Money: Security is everything. Whether it's locking down your accounts with strong passwords or using services like Myaza, which offer top-notch security features, making sure your money is safe should be a priority. Always know where your money is going and make sure you’re the only one with access.
Financial Peace of Mind
At the end of the day, we all want peace of mind when it comes to our finances. It’s not just about tracking your spending—it’s about controlling it. You shouldn’t have to worry about hidden charges or unauthorized debits eating into your hard-earned money. With the right tools, like real-time alerts and strong security features, you can keep full control over your funds and focus on the things that really matter.
If you’ve ever had an experience like mine, you’re definitely not alone. And if you haven’t—let’s keep it that way! Stay on top of your finances, stay in control, and keep your money working for you, not against you.
The Bottom Line: Don’t let hidden deductions catch you off guard. Take control of your money today with Myaza’s real-time alerts and top-tier security features, so you can avoid the headaches I went through and stay focused on your financial goals.